Frequently asked questions
How much do I have to pay for the services provided by UNICjob?
There is no charge at all being hired by UNICjob or for the services offered. We only charge a small fee if we book and prepay your travel tickets.
Information regarding transport to Norway?
You may arrange you own travel or take benefit of UNICjob travel desk. If we will arrange this, we will present the travel plan and costs before we make the final booking. The final booking and travel itinerary will be sent by e-mail when the employment contract and agreement on the transport are signed by both you and UNICjob.
How is the accommodation?
Most of our clients arrange accommodation from day one. This may be a single room or sharing a double room, often sharing bath and WC with others. Sometimes there is also kitchen available, TV, and normally there is also WiFi. At some places there is even separate apartments. But the price may be very different – from NOK 2.000 up to NOK 5.000 per month. And this price is set by the client or the property owner. UNICjob do not take any profit or comission on accommodaton whatsoever.
Is there any official minimum salary in Norway?
There is no official minimum salary in Norway and salary is mostly decided and set by our clients based on their general salary system. Some clients follow the tariff in each industry and some do not. This is based on whether the client has made an agreement with the local labor union or not.
In some industries there has been decided by law that all companies must follow the tariff levels, but this does not apply to the hotel and restaurant industry.
The industries that have these compulsory tariff levels are: Construction, Oil & Gas, Shipyards, Agriculture, Fish processing and Cleaning companies.
Everyone working through UNICjob will have the same terms as other employees working with the same company in similar positions and with equal experience and background. UNICjob employees will have exactly the same salary level as if they were hired with a direct contract with the same company.
How can I trust your company?
When working in Norway as a service provider through UNICjob, certain laws and regulations apply. UNICjob always follows these laws and regulations set by both Estonia (or other countries within EU), and Norway. UNICjob is performing its contracts and operation in a fully legal manner. We have signed more than 2000 employment contracts since 2004 and a lot of people have worked with UNICjob in Norway several times. UNICjob has got a long reputation as a serious and trustworthy company towards Norwegian clients and it is also in our interest to treat our employees with the same respect.
How do I get my salary paid?
At the end of the month, your local manager will arrange your time report for the hours worked during the last month. This is then sent by your local manager to UNICjob for processing. If we receive the time report in due time and without any mistakes, your salary will be processed and paid to your personal bank account on the 8th day the month after. If the 8th day is on a Saturday or Sunday we will do our best to make the payments on Friday. One of our major company goals is to pay the salary always on time since we know this is of utmost importance to you.
Your tax is deducted from your gross salary and UNICjob makes the payment directly to the Norwegian tax office according to Norwegian legislation. You will also receive a pay slip by email giving solid information on hours worked each day, any additions and tax deducted. We depend upon you to check this pay slip and inform us of any mistakes reported by your local manager. If any mistakes, this will be handled immediately.
What about meal arrangements?
At some places meals are given in the local company cantina where the employee will pay a small amount for each meal or if there might be a kitchen available, the employee can choose to buy your own groceries and prepare the meals by yourself. Prices on groceries are normally quite high in Norway compared to the rest of the EU.
What is the normal tax on salaries in Norway?
All workers in Norway on behalf of UNICjob are taxable to Norway according to the tax agreement between Norway and most EU countries.
The income tax is approximate and between 19-28% on gross salary and the tax percentage is gradually increasing by higher payments on a monthly basis. When being offered a job via UNICjob, we will also give you the specific tax percentage along with the expected salary on the job offer.
Working via a foreign company like UNICjob is often more profitable than other solutions since our employees get monthly on average 3-4% less income tax to Norway compared to working directly for a Norwegian company. This is because of the Norwegian tax system.